Enrich Your Life, Enrich Your Practice
The practices of shamanism and energy healing come together to bring you ancient wisdom integrated with heightened shamanic spiritual mastery. Windhorse Spirit is an Enrichment Program for Lightworkers using shamanic tools and exclusive protocols with customized tuning forks spiritually channeled to activate ancestral healing.
Integrative Shamanic Spiritual Mastery and Training
Get Ready for 5th Dimensional Shamanic Spiritual Mastery with our Apprentice Program for Lightworkers
Coming into growth of spirit, connecting to All That Is, discovering the gifts of nature and the elements, and remembering who you are; define the journey of the modern day shaman.
The result is a healing practice and way of living that allows us to step lightly on the planet, becoming more consciously aware of the subtleties of spiritual energies emanating from Earth and her inhabitants.
Effortless Spiritual Awareness
Sensitivity in today's world might feel overwhelming. Politics, pollution, unrest, people, and experiences can feel difficult to energetically manage. Yet, you still want to function, prosper, and live abundantly with joy in the world. You want to be MORE of who you already are. Empathy and intuitive abilities are gifts.
My unique Windhorse Spirit Shamanic Spiritual Mastery and Enrichment Program incorporates many tools through which you can learn new skills such as protecting your energy, feeling grounded and safe, and developing a stronger sense of intuitive awareness. My goal for you is to become more confident with healing tools you want to use for self care and in your practice. I call this sensitivity Effortless Spiritual Awareness.
Windhorse Spirit Shamanic Spiritual Mastery and Enrichment
Now, with the Windhorse Spirit Shamanic Spiritual Mastery and Enrichment Program, we'll reinforce the concepts of Effortless Spiritual Awareness with training, exercises and shamanic healing tools to enrich your experience and support your advancement toward Spiritual Mastery.
Windhorse is the life force and innate personal power within each of us.
It's the breath of life, the connection to All That Is, the awareness that we're all connected, and the way of being that brings a higher vibration to the planet. It's intuitive ability and the knowledge to use it.
Through the development of skills that utilize your intuitive awareness and mindfulness, you become more aware of energies around you. You'll become more sensitive to the energy of healing tools, and rely less on written knowledge - other people's perceptions of the energy within all things. I'll show you how to communicate with divine wisdom through your PERSONAL POWER and the use of journeying, pendulums, crystals, essential oils, tuning forks, (and many more tools), meditation, listening, seeing, feeling, and knowing, as messages come through for you.
You'll be able to feel more at ease with your connection to your intuition the more you integrate these lessons. Your WINDHORSE will become stronger when you let go of fear, and see (know, feel, hear, etc.) your experiences from a different perspective - one of personal enrichment that's right for you and the world around you.
Finally, an Integrative Program for Lightworkers
The Windhorse Spirit Shamanic Spiritual Mastery and Enrichment Program IS NOT just another fact book that requires you to learn the written meanings of crystals, the tribal or indigenous "way" of practicing shamanism, or any "rules" on what your practice may look like. This unique program is designed to help you grow into your spirituality and to remember who you are NOW, in this world . . . and how to BE in modern society.
The modern shaman exists and knows how to live consciously in today's world as a LIGHTWORKER and healer in the community. The fundamental principles that worked for our ancestors translate easily to today's culture - if you know how.
Windhorse Spirit is the program for Lightworker seekers and practitioners who want to embody the work of ancient wisdom and Spiritual Mastery.
YES. Certification is offered with each course in the Windhorse Spirit Shamanic Spiritual Mastery and Enrichment Program. To attain certification and competency, you'll need to complete and submit all of the exercises in each course and complete the two consultations required for each course. These may be personal or group consultations, depending on the course and other criteria. Contact Rosemary or fill in the form below to discuss details on the program for you.
Though several of the programs I offer come with certification that you may use toward Continuing Education Units for licensing (Integrative Usui Reiki and Illuminated Healer Advanced Shamanic classes, for example) I strongly believe that no one can offer certification that verifies you are a shaman. However, upon completion of the program you'll receive a certificate of completion for each course in the Windhorse Spirit Shamanic Spiritual Mastery and Enrichment Program (not a certificate of shamanism).
The Windhorse Spirit Shamanic Spiritual Mastery Program currently has no pre-requisites . . . AND I strongly urge all participants to also participate in my other classes as well as receive private coaching and healing sessions. I'm honored that you're feeling ready to move forward with your life, develop your personal power, and enrich your spirituality with shamanic skills, healing, mentoring and coaching.
The WINDHORSE SPIRIT Spiritual Mastery and Enrichment series of shamanic and sound healing courses is uniquely designed to enhance your intuitive abilities, practice shamanic teachings, and hone your skills as a Lightworker. Discover your spiritual ancestry. You'll enjoy an integration of small group in-person classes and online learning - a perfect combination!
Certification is available for each course in the series as Continuing Education.
Each course is offered on demand from my online platform as they become available. These courses can be applied as Continuing Education for your Licensed Spiritual Healer renewal.
WINDHORSE SPIRIT Spiritual Mastery Online Enrichment Program for Lightworkers is now open.
The WINDHORSE SPIRIT Integrative Shamanic Spiritual Mastery and Enrichment Series
The Successful Lightworker Journey
Spiritual Lightworker Journey is an online and in-person training series open to anyone. Certifications and previous training aren't required.
Learn More About Crystal Magic
Develop Your Intuitive Practice While Working with Crystals.
Added Bonus topics include Crystal Grids, Crystal Guides, The Shaman's Crystals.
The Song of Your Soul
Discover your Spiritual Ancestry Through Sound Healing tuning forks and unique protocols.
Learn More About The Spirituality of Essential Oils
How to intuitively work with essential oils (plant essences) for healing throughout all dimensions.
Added Bonus includes Karmic Healing with Essential Oils.
Learn More About The Wounded Healer
Shamanic Tuning protocol for Karmic healing
The Wounded Healer, one of the courses featured in the Windhorse Spirit Shamanic Spiritual Mastery Program focuses on the stories recorded in human ancestry and Akashic records. A customized set of five tuning forks accompany the process of opening to divine wisdom, discovering deeply held wounds, uprooting them at their core, and healing the wounds with compassion. What you'll discover is a release that may be felt immediately and grow more profound over time.
"The Wounded Healer technique created by Rosemary is nothing short of miraculous. As Rosemary guided me through the technique, I allowed my mind to be open and to let the technique guide me to what needed healing. I was guided to my foot. I've been experiencing foot pain for several years, I'd just learned to live with it. So we worked on healing my foot. Now several weeks later, I still have no foot pain. Thank you Rosemary for creating, teaching and sharing this beautiful healing technique." - Briana S., 9/2019
Learn More About Sound Secrets of the Brain
Brain Tuners - Use and Practice for Re-tuning the Brain.
Added Bonus includes Pineal Activation and the "Happiness Formula"
Animal Spirit Guides and Teachers
Connect with ancient shamanic wisdom and go deep in your journey to discover what it's like to work with Animal Spirit Guides and Teachers.
Angelic Wisdom
Tap Into Mystical Spiritual Guides and Angels Among Us
And More . . . You Help Shape the Program
As you go through the WINDHORSE SPIRIT Integrative Shamanic Spiritual Mastery Program, you and your cohorts have input as to which topics interest you more. Akashic Records? Oracles and Mystics? Light Language? Fibonacci Sound Healing for Addictions? There are so many possibilities!
What's Holding You Back?
āI donāt have enough time." ~ Each of the times we meet are online and will be recorded. In fact, I'm recording the in-person classes so you can access them at any time. The WINDHORSE SPIRIT Spiritual Mastery Program can be self-paced so you can participate on your own schedule.
āI donāt have enough money." ~ That's the beauty of the WINDHORSE SPIRIT Spiritual Mastery and Enrichment Program. The cost for each course in the program has such a high value that it can stand alone as an intuitive-building tool for foundational and advanced shamanic learning. Remember, my WINDHORSE SPIRIT Spiritual Mastery and Enrichment Program also includes coaching sessions. That alone more than doubles the value of the course. Now might be the perfect opportunity to invest. If you need a payment plan, we can work it out.
āIt wonāt work for me." ~ If you really believe that, you wouldn't be looking for a way to breakthrough your blocks. Part of you knows that you can do this. If you do the course wholeheartedly, you'll see it work for you. If not, use my money back guarantee.