Heal Together – Natural Health Solutions for Animals and Their Humans
Given her attraction to nature while growing up, it’s no surprise Rosemary Levesque studied biological sciences, secondary education, and art at the University of New Hampshire. Her work in natural sciences and health might have logically led her to pursue training in Reiki, the Japanese method of healing and relaxation. Yet it was due to a personal family crisis that led Rosemary to seek natural health alternatives when modern medicine offered no hope.
Today, as Licensed Spiritual Healer, Shamanic Reiki Master, animal communicator, and holistic wellness consultant for animals and their humans, Rosemary teaches classes, conducts private, intuitive spiritual healing sessions, and offers a select array of complementary products to support natural health.
Rosemary focuses her attention uniquely on the human/animal bond after years of working with clients and their pets for a holistic approach to healing. She sees the connection often missed by casual observers – that we are all connected in profound ways that affect our health and wellbeing, and the health and happiness of our animals.
In Heal Together you’ll learn about:
- Causes of Disease such as Canine Cancer
- Strategies for Prevention
- Natural Diet for Recovery
- Energy Tools for Healing – Animal Reiki
From causes of degenerative diseases to natural health solutions, Heal Together offers hope for healing and recovery for our animals and our human family members. Stress, toxicity, and poor nutrition act as triggers for disease. Heal Together offers not only insight into the mechanisms behind disease, but also real ways in which we can make small changes that have the potential to bring about big differences in health and recovery. As we become more aware of these mechanisms and the true potential for healing, Rosemary reassures us that we can make a difference – and that we can heal together.
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