Heart to Heart Living in the Purple High Vibrational Tools
Vibration is everything! Living in the Purple Podcast, Envision Cards, and accessory tools help guide you through a process of tapping into higher vibrations, enriching your senses, and attaining deeper wisdom to envision your dreams. What I offer through these tools are initiators, allies, activators, nudges, and door openers Iāve had the pleasure of using for many years. These cards, manual, and guides are meant as an accompaniment for my podcast, Living in the Purple, as a supplement to help you grow your Avini Health business, and to utilize Avini products most effectively.
As a Licensed Spiritual Healer working with foundations for what makes you more alive, Iāve discovered a profound sense of responsibility to share products, methods, and opportunities in a unique way - vibrationally!
Living in the Purple Podcast
Throughout two years of Heart to Heart Avini Health coaching and training, I've recorded weekly sessions that educate, provide tools for leadership and business building, and offer guidance on building relationships in a high vibrational way. We integrate vibrational healing practices with Avini Health, have a little fun, and support people on my team in a unique way. Go directly to livinginthepurple.com to listen to these podcasts and access additional tools.
The Heart to Heart Living in the Purple Podcast is LIVE NOW. Check with your favorite podcast sources like Spotify, Apple, Podcast Addict, and more to discover how you can listen in to our plethora of wisdom . . . 57 episodes and counting!
Season 3 - interviews with team members sharing their stories and wisdom of natural healing and a passion for life and Living in the Purple.
Envision Inspirational Cards
The Living in the Purple card series is designed to help you ENVISION and CREATE a new perspective on health, prosperity, wholeness, and BE-ing through three aspects of energy often overlooked as gifts we all have available to us. Through contrast, emotions, and our six senses, we can cultivate our desires, expand our energies, and connect infinitely with the Universe and Nature.
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have it all while others feel stuck in misery and lack? Though the answer may be complex, it doesnāt have to be. You can envision and create the life you want with a few simple tools.
What you see with your eyes is not only what you get, but you can also imagine with your mindās eye, you also get. Most people miss this. Rather than imagining prosperity, peace, abundance, and all wonderful opportunities, relationships, money, travel, and success, people find evidence of unhappiness, despair, pain, and lack. Why is this the case? Itās simply because ENERGY flows where your thoughts go. You tend to notice and be more aware of things and situations that align with your energy. Are you thinking about conflict? Thatās what the Universe will deliver. How about dis-ease? You may notice more people coming into your life with serious health situations, or worse yet, you may also face a serious diagnosis.
You might not believe that you have control over what you see, but you do! These cards will help get you on the path of envisioning in a more positive way.
Have you ever experienced a dream that felt real? The dream world is a luxurious place for desires and manifestation. Answers and inspiration await you when you learn how to tap into brainwaves that not only feel real, but become real. Itās a well-kept secret among successful people. Unfortunately, itās also a practice that was kept from us to disconnect us from our spiritual practices. Being told what to do and how to be are very different from feeling and knowing what to do and how to be. Inspiration comes from within and from Source. This series will assist you in accessing inspiration more easily so that manifestation and success for all you desire become the norm.
Your power is undeniably rich and strong. How is it that you feel powerless over your circumstances, finances, relationships, health, and life in general? It all starts with belief. Who told you ānoā? What made you believe you couldnāt be, do, or have what you wanted? Do you even know what you really want? Have you stood up for yourself and your beliefs? This all comes into play with personal power. Power doesnāt come from control over others or situations. Thatās a misconception that will stall, interrupt, or completely block you from accessing your desires. Power comes from your beliefs aligning with pure intentions, wholeness, and compassion. When youāre inspired, your power is unstoppable.
Each Deck Includes
- 52 Living in the Purple Inspirational Envision Cards
- Shimmery Organza bag
- BONUS AMETHYST CRYSTAL HEART while supplies last
Choose up to 10 decks
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Crystals and Pendulums
As highlighted in the Guidebook for Living in the Purple, I've included ideas to supplement raising your vibration. Can I make a recommendation? Choose nature spirit allies to assist you.