Tuning Forks

Tuning Forks for Sound Healing

Second Nature Healing carries unique tuning forks and sets, in both standard & weighted, designed specifically to raise consciousness, heal, and activate energy fields in the body and etheric field. All of our forks are high quality tools, individually made to exacting standards for the best outcome when used for tuning fork therapy. All tuning forks may function for personal use, and basic instructions are provided with every purchase. To access higher wisdom, training, and certification for tuning fork protocols, I encourage Lightworkers to enroll in sound healing classes using our tuning forks for sound healing therapy.

Our forks are made from heat-treated, lead-free, wrought aluminum alloy which has been chosen for its strength, light weight, and superior conductivity of sound waves. Every fork undergoes a special hand tuning process to assure accuracy within +/- .25%. The metal will not fatigue over time, and the forks will stay on frequency, even after years of use. Each fork or set includes a beautiful velvet pouch.

Magic and Miracles Integrative Sound Healing Therapy Set

$333 (plus shipping and insurance)

Your Magic & Miracles Set Includes:

  • Genuine Shungite Medallion with Metatron Sacred Geometry and Beyond Raven Tree Portal (2 sides)
  • Weighted OM Tuner
  • Angel Tuners Set includes 4096 Hz, 4160 Hz, and 4225 Hz
  • Magic Energy Tuner
  • Miracle Energy Tuner
  • Beyond Raven Tree Tuning Fork Activator
  • Amethyst crystal point
  • 2 ml Pure Palo Santo Essential Oil
  • Purple Velvet Pouches keep your treasures safe when youā€™re not using them (But be sure to use them daily!)

The Wounded Healer Tuning Forks

medivibe tuning forks sound healing

$222 (plus shipping)

Your Wounded Healer Tuning Fork Set Includes:

  • Chiron unweighted tuning fork with swivel
  • Spirit unweighted tuning fork
  • 1 smoky quartz point
  • Basic instructions

Register For the Wounded Healer Course

Weighted Sets

Sun & Moon Weighted Tuning Forks

Open Portals to the etheric realm while staying grounded in physical form. Enhance your sense of self and promote emotional strength and tranquility.

$120 (plus shipping)

Double OM Weighted Tuning Forks

Relax, feel calmer, ground into your physical body, and promote healing at the core. These tuning forks are great for working with animals.

$120 (plus shipping)

Unweighted Sets

Brainwave Tuning Fork Set

Influence your brain (and all cells) with this brainwave tuning fork set for healing on all levels. Get to a meditative state faster!

$180 plus shipping

Your Brainwave Tuning Fork Set Comes With:

  • Complete set of six brainwave tuners, including Fundamental, Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Gamma
  • Beyond Raven Tree Tuning Fork Activator
  • Individual Velvet Pouches keep your treasures safe when youā€™re not using them (But be sure to use them daily!)
  • Contact Rosemary Today

    Call for a Free Consultation

    (503) 747-3307

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