First I have to apologize for the title of this month’s newsletter. Something was tugging at me to go ahead and say it – while part of me knew that preparing for the worst is absolutely not on my radar. I mean that in a good way, of course!
There was a time in my life when I did think “gloom and doom”, especially after my mother passed away from the effects chemotherapy. I started to prepare for the worst. Doctors told me that because my mom had cancer I had a higher risk of getting cancer too. I faithfully had mammograms every year from the time I was 35 years old. I had two biopsies which were really unnecessary since they were not in the least indicative of trouble. I was living in fear, preparing for the worst. Then things changed.
Changing the Way We Think
Change didn’t happen immediately, nor did I realize I was changing. That’s right. I was the one who changed. I had been living in fear, making choices that were based on fear. I had trusted my doctors, but eventually began to question them a little more.
My family taught me a lot. I saw that my fear of infections and illness for my children led to an overuse of antibiotics which resulted in an allergic reaction to penicillin. I learned that commercially prepared dog food and a regimented vaccination schedule for my Ginger (yellow lab) was a mistake which led to diabetes and, eventually, cancer.
Nurture and Trust
Over the years I began to trust myself and become more aligned with natural alternatives – and nature itself. That’s why the image of beautiful Jasper heart crystals tops this months article. Jasper is a stone that reminds us to reconnect with nature and feel supported by the gifts the earth has to offer.
Emotional harmony has a lot to do with being well – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Is it then a good idea to seek out and actively pursue harmony in one’s life? How can you know if you are in harmony with nature? If you ‘re not there, how do you get there – without the extremes of medical intervention looming over you?
Physical and Emotional Immune System
Usually people talk about their immune systems when siting how often – or how infrequent – they become sick. A strong internal immune system is important for fighting the germs and bad cells that try to take hold, as they did with my mother. As I learned about natural alternatives to stay healthy and support my immune system I discovered that there was yet another piece to the puzzle – my Emotional Immune System.
Rather than preparing for the worst now, I look forward to harmonizing with the best. It’s really a completely different way of thinking. In fact, it does prepare me in a much better way for what may come. Follow my tips on supporting your emotional immune system here.
Rosemary, my dear, I am so glad you are following your “bliss”. You are a dedicated true healer. I bless you for helping me so very much. Because of you teaching me that I am of value and a beautiful soul, at age 77 I am starting a new business. I have a business appointment this Friday of I would be at your house. And for helping me with my beloved miniature Pincer, Brody. Thank You, Anne
Rosemary, my dear, I am so glad you are following your “bliss”. You are a dedicated true healer. I bless you for helping me so very much. Because of you teaching me that I am of value and a beautiful soul, at age 77, I am starting a new business. I have a business appointment this Friday or I would be at your house. And for helping me with my beloved miniature Pincer, Brody. Thank You, Anne