May 24

Soul Alignment

looking for clarityWhat does your spirit know that is not obvious to you? When we find ourselves asking questions about our path in life, asking for clarity, or wondering why things have to be so hard, we are not clear, and we are not in alignment with Source energy.

What is Soul Alignment?

Soul alignment is a feeling that can be measured in joy, comfort, and ease. It can also be measured in money, a feeling of abundance (having enough or having plenty), peace, spiritual awareness, and connection to nature. What is missing from soul alignment is fear, doubt, worry, anger, hate, and regret. Once one becomes aligned to spiritual energy, awareness shifts toward ease and away from difficulty.

Soul alignment, or alignment with Spirit, is more than a feeling, however. A sense of purpose becomes more evident. All subsequent actions then contribute toward that purpose. In fact, once you become more closely aligned to Source, all actions, activities and thoughts that do not contribute toward that purpose – or align with that purpose – fall away. Those activities and thoughts don’t feel right anymore. They don’t fit. They are not a match for who you are.

When You Don’t Fit In

Did you ever go to a party or an event and wonder why you were there? For some reason, the conversations seemed to be about things that didn’t interest you. Maybe you didn’t even agree with what was being said. I used to find myself in situations like this. There was a time when I liked to get together with a few people in my neighborhood. We’d play cards and eat candy and other snacks. Talk was generally gossip of what was going on in the neighborhood, or in people’s lives. It was fun. We met only once per month, but it was a couple of hours without care or purpose that I felt kept me connected to my neighbors.

Eventually I noticed that, when the topic of health arose, I felt out of place. Health is an important subject for me, and natural alternatives are my first choice for myself and my family. My neighbors felt differently . . . at least it seemed that way. People on medications were happy with their treatment. Without going into details, suffice it to say that I felt I was speaking a different language. In order to honor my purpose and my alignment to Source, I walked away from the monthly gatherings.

Walking away from your situation may not be as simple as what I described. So instead, let’s talk about what you’re moving toward.

Moving Toward Alignment with Source

In my practice I ask for the person’s intentions before we begin the work. Sometimes it’s an easy statement. More often than not, people want clarity. They want to have a sense of purpose and know where they’re going or what they’re supposed to do in life. Clarity = Alignment. Seeking clarity is seeking God, seeking alignment to Source, seeking a sense of knowing. This may be the biggest revelation for people asking for clarity. They know they come from good, they know they think good thoughts, or do good things, but they still lack clarity, or alignment to God. What’s missing in their sense of clarity and purpose?

The missing element in clarity and sense of purpose is feeling the “right” vibration. God, Source, Spirit – which ever term you want to use – exists at the highest vibration. High vibration comes to us as feeling joy, laughter, accomplishment, service to others, creativity, love, and spirituality. We become aligned with these high vibrations by participating in them. At the same time, we let go of activities and thoughts that lower our vibration.

It’s not an all or nothing proposition! We are constantly shifting and changing, making different choices, growing, and utilizing new tools to help us become more aligned with Source. There is always room for more. That’s the beauty of the process. We know that as clear as we become, and as close as we align to Source, there is still more, always getting better and better. The capacity is infinite and the energy is eternal.

Getting Started

Transformation comes with ease and grace. Clarity and alignment comes with practice. I’ve outlined a few steps to help you get started with your transformation and spiritual alignment. If you haven’t done so already, go ahead and subscribe to my newest newsletter, and receive your free Transformational Guide. (This is different than previous newsletters and will eventually replace other forms of communication with my subscribers.)

Then tap in, tune in, and stay in touch. I have a new, free podcast for Spiritual Messages from Source.Ā  Just subscribe!

Feeling Like You Need a Helping Hand?

No problem. We offer lots of ways to get you going on your path. Try our Awaken and Transform Packages. Or you can also step forward on the path of healing yourself and others with our Integrative Enrichment Program.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Rosemary Levesque, D.D. contact me now


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