March 7

When Your Heart Speaks, Are You Listening?

In all my biology classes that I ever attended or taught, I never learned anything about the heart like I’m about to share here in this class for Spiritual Mastery. The heart’s physiology is indeed fascinating. I was hooked on the heart’s anatomy and physiology at a young age – enthralled by the transparent images overlapping one another in my encyclopedia when I was only about ten years old. I followed the arteries and veins of the circulatory system as arrows pointed out the direction of deoxygenated blood flowing from heart to lungs, then oxygenated blood flowing from lungs to heart, up to the brain and throughout the body. I loved the idea that valves opened and closed, pumping not only the direction of the flow, but also the rhythm and speed of the pump. Lub-dub, lub-dub. Lub-dub. I felt for my pulse inquisitively in my neck and wrist, marveling that my whole body echoed the rhythm in my chest.

When you’re a child, there’s room for delight and discovery with the physical nature of the body.  Our embodiment as spiritual beings carries the essence of life, vibrating in harmony with life in the universe. Just as we stir in the early hours of the day to awaken our physical awareness, we also activate our harmonic coherence to the rising sun in its warmth, light, and sounds of nature awakening also. We’re in rhythm with earth’s rotation facing us toward and away from the sun, as well as its yearly revolution informing us of the seasonal changes. In our dream state we harmonize with the rhythm of our breath, letting the innate systems of our bodies forget the tasks of thinking, remembering, and doing to simply BE in a state of harmony while we sleep.

Yet, as adults (or even as school-age children) we subject ourselves to a different timepiece – one of obligation, judgement, habit, and resistance. How do these rhythms affect our lives as we continue to live and grow in our relationships, at home and at work? How can we tap into harmony, health, prosperity and abundance with ease?

The forgotten piece of the puzzle is the heart. I don’t mean its anatomy or physiology. I’m referring to the spirituality of the heart that is closely tied to innate wisdom. Learn more in my Spiritual Mastery Webinar. Then give me a call to set up a time when you can tap into your heart’s wisdom – the wisdom to which your brain seems to not always listen.


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