March 12

Nitric Oxide and Healing

Self-healing Magic Built Into Your Body

We all know that the human body has the innate ability to heal itself. What seems to puzzle us is HOW that happens and learning what we can do to promote natural healing as well as staying healthy throughout all our challenges. Though it’s usually a good idea to have the support of your doctor for tests and expert medical information, I believe that’s a tiny fraction of the healing process.  Perhaps you’re like me and would rather support the body’s self-healing magic. If so, you’ll be interested to learn about nitric oxide, what it does, and what we can do on our own to use nitric oxide to promote healing.

A tiny molecule written chemically as NO, nitric oxide, was considered as “Molecule of the Year” in 1992 when Nobel prize winners, Robert F. Furchgott, PhD, Louis J. Ignarro, PhD, and Ferid Murad, MD, PhD published their research. Nitric oxide signals the cardiovascular and nervous systems to relax – an important function in view of hypertension, and stress. Clinically, nitric oxide is just coming into view as a gentle way to support health and healing – wherever blood flow is important.

What does Nitric Oxide do?

Nitric oxide stimulates blood vessels, muscles, and cells to relax. Take a deep breath now. Notice how tense you feel as you inhale, and perhaps hold your breath for a second. Now exhale completely. As you exhale, feel your shoulders, back, and body relax. Even your mind “lets go” for a moment. The feeling you have upon exhalation is similar to the cell’s experience as it produces, then releases, nitric oxide. When nitric oxide is present in small amounts, surrounding cells respond. In addition, nitric oxide becomes complexed to glutathione, hemoglobin and other proteins – then dissociated back to nitric oxide. As a result, nitric oxide benefits may be felt throughout the body as it’s easily transported as complex molecules.(1)

Research shows that nitric oxide affects the immune system, encouraging the germ-eating white blood cells to become active. Also, the cardiovascular system responds to the presence of nitric oxide by dilating blood vessels, thus promoting increased blood flow and reduced blood pressure (2). In addition, as an anti-inflammatory compound, research shows benefits as a pain-reliever and free-radical scavenger (preventing cell damage and aging). Bone and joint health as well as recovery from injury are supported with nitric oxide. Memory improvement, learning, and memory tasks benefit from the presence of nitric oxide (3).

Cells can, in fact, produce their own nitric oxide under the right circumstances. However, due to free-radical damage, the benefits of nitric oxide seem dwarfed to the task of keeping up. Your intention for healing then becomes more important as you focus on the WHOLE body, rather than on just one molecule, thing, practice, supplement, or modality. Fortunately, when you begin healing the WHOLE, you also support the tiny aspects of healing we take for granted – like nitric oxide production. You can promote the production of nitric oxide in your own body very simply. Here’s how.

How the Body Makes Nitric Oxide

Vibration holds the key to making and transporting nitric oxide within the body. Vibration exists everywhere as sound, movement, light, water, nutrients, plants and animals, etc. Therefore, supplements high in antioxidants have important value in helping to create nitric oxide. So does connecting to nature, like listening to crickets, birds, and trees blowing in the breeze, or waves lapping on the shore. Choose all of the “right” vibrations that help bring that feeling of relaxation – like the exhale we practiced early in the article.

Tuning forks may be one of the easiest ways to directly stimulate the production of nitrix oxide in the body. In particular, the 528 Hz tuning fork as an auditory tuner, or body tuners (weighted tuners that carry vibrations down the stem) have tremendous benefit. Whether you’re listening to the healing frequencies, or feeling the vibration of tuning forks placed directly on the body, nitric oxide produced by the cells begins its healing magic.


Learn More about Sound Healing

Sound healing with Solfeggio frequencies in tuning forks is a do-it-yourself method of stimulating the production of nitric oxide. Contact Rosemary to learn more, experience tuning forks in a healing session (ultimate relaxation!) or participate in a class for using tuning forks with your clients. Rosemary now offers 12 Continuing Education hours that may be applied toward licensing for health care practitioners.


(1) Nitric Oxide: The Coming of the Second Messenger by Ferid Murad, US Library of Natural Medicine, 2011

(2) – Nitric Oxide Relaxation Factor

(3) –


CEU classes for health practitioners, natural healing, nitric oxide, nitric oxide benefits, relaxation and healing

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