Is Healing Cancer Naturally Possible?
It's not a question of if, but rather, for most people and pets, a question of when they'll get cancer. Unfortunately, the strange and toxic world we've created with our chemicals, gene modifications, persistent plastics, and modern medical attitude won't provide the solution nor prevention for healing cancer. Those bad cells already have a plan to disrupt your life. They're quietly brewing trouble as you sleep, growing silently as you're unaware of subtle triggers that activate dis-ease. Furthermore, even the well-intentioned medical field may also be under the influence of a different kind of cancer - one driven by a narrow focus of what's allowed, what's not permitted to be said, and money. Yes, money.
Natural products that support prevention and the immune system are already here. We're already gifted with natural remedies that support healing cancer. They're not very expensive, usually easy to find, and help heal by activating prevention and immune support mechanisms. Combined with capturing and eliminating heavy metals and other body burdens, along with a non-inflammatory diet, stress release, and movement, you could be healing cancer daily - even if you're not aware.
The Future of Healing Cancer
In a 1903 publication called "The Edison Wizard" in the Newark Advocate, Thomas Edison said, āThe doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of diseaseā. After more than 100 years, do we believe we're any closer to this healing miracle? In some ways, I believe we are! Imagine no medicine, as Thomas Edison said. However, what would it take for there to be more awareness of this healing cancer miracle? It may take a few rebels (like myself) quietly talking about eating well and avoiding toxic exposure.
There's a shift in energy happening, I believe. A few brave people like the idea that we can heal ourselves. The body is a miracle. Imagine white blood cells knowing the difference between healthy and unhealthy cells so they can eat the bad ones. Imagine a liver that is high functioning and toxin-free so it can filter out harmful chemicals. What if a clear-thinking, positive attitude mind filled with hope and knowledge could make better decisions about doing no harm? Would it make a difference to everyone if truth prevailed over hidden agendas, clinical poisons, and the big business of chemical protocols?
The Last Hope
As you can deduce, I frequently am called to help people in the last stages, and last whispers of hope. They've been shown no hope after chemical treatments, surgeries, and burn sessions have all failed. A new clinical study gets people committed to a journey of suffering. I hate losing friends that way, and seeing them hurt to the point of organ failure. Yet, it's beyond my scope. I am here to help people who are called to be helped. These people want to heal naturally, but don't know how. They were never shown or taught that nature has all the gifts and answers we need. They put their trust in a system that started out twisting what we used as natural into unnatural.
The future of healing cancer is to remember that we are whole, magnificent beings. When we align ourselves to nature, Earth, Spirit, and wholeness, our choices follow through to manifest healing with prevention and immune support. It's how nature intends. How far have we strayed?
Fortunately, the body remembers moment by moment how to heal. Give the cells and body tissues what it needs, and healing happens. Interfere less. Support more. It's my new mantra. Care to try it out for yourself?
What the Body Needs
It's a simple list, really. Did you grab a copy of my free eBook? It's the Ultimate Natural Healing System Breakthrough.