January 21

Reassess Your Healing Protocol

To Reassess Your Healing, or Not. That is the Question

She wore dark sunglasses in the indoor swimming pool as we prepared to start our water aerobics class the other day. Being curious, while trying to be courteous, I asked, "Do the sunglasses help you in some way while we're in the pool?" She answered, "Yes. They help keep the water out of my eyes." Then she squinted as she lowered her frames just a bit. She admitted her sensitivity to light, to which I can relate. Of course I mentioned that supplements could help, as I thought about how I used to be just like her. Would she like a link? "Oh, I already take supplements," she defensively replied. "Well, maybe it's time to reassess," I offered. That's the point of this article - to encourage you to reassess your healing protocol.

To reassess your healing, the supplements you take, or the protocols you follow isn't a challenge. It's a good idea. Things change. What used to work might not be needed anymore, or perhaps, even the ingredients and quantities in the supplements you're taking have been reduced and substituted. Though this article is about reassessment, it isn't a criticism about particular supplements. I'm encouraging you to reassess what you need to choose what works for you. Can I share a few ideas of where to start with you?

Reassess Weight, Workout, and Wellness

Though weight is easy to measure, I feel that size and shape are more accurate for me. I'm reassessing how my clothes fit and how I feel in my body. It's cool that I went down a size in my swimwear workout clothes, and I feel stronger, as well. The water classes must be working, because there's evidence of endurance and vitality in other daily efforts. However, I noticed that sugar cravings creep in daily. It might be the chocolate I received during the holidays calling me. As I reassess how I feel when I eat them, and also notice that I can't eat just one šŸ™‚ I'll have to take a broader look at what else has crept into my diet. I see more vegetables and protein on the horizon as a part of my wellness reassessment.

Reassess Mentality, Mood, and Meditation

I discovered that I work too much! Most recently I've been working on free gifts and downloads for people on my newsletter list. I shifted a few things around to make zeolite easier to find, for example, and to offer a better way to support folks interested in detoxification by making sure they have easy access to resources. Then it hit me today that I had not taken any time off for fun. I couldn't understand initially why my mood was low. I had left excitement on the table. In reassessing my mood and mental health, I am making room for more time outside with my dog, and meditation with a few new crystals I picked up the other day. It's all about loving life. If you're not - then reassess.

Envision, Empower, Enlighten

My final bit of wisdom, as I step away from the computer, is that we don't have to go looking for answers. We don't have to make things happen. We don't have to try that hard. If we take the time to reassess - just notice, in other words, how we're feeling - it all comes together beautifully. My friend was recently bemoaning how much it was going to cost to take a trip . . . all the expenses, etc. Then I pointed out to her that the flight was on sale, we can get her a discounted ticket for the event, and even a roommate to share expenses. I said, "Aren't you wondering why all these discounted opportunities are being laid down in your path?" She got the message. She's taking the Universe up on Her offer. Thank goodness, we sometimes pay attention.

Enjoy your day. Let me know what reassessments come to mind for you when you read this article.


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