October 29

Healing Within From Density to Light

It's really hard to separate science from spirituality, and from healthy living. They're all connected and inseparable. I guess that's why it's so easy for me to see it all come together. As a biologist and master healer with vibrational medicine, this all makes perfect sense to me. Healing within means you've accomplished the transition from density to light. You're in vibrational harmony with higher frequencies.

If we dive a little deeper into density and vibration, I can show you how it's both IMPOSSIBLE and POSSIBLE to heal.

Density and vibration can both be measured. It's basic science and there's even a formula to figure out the density of a substance. It's the mass (weight) divided by the volume. In other words, it's how compact a substance is, or how close together the molecules are. You can imagine, for example, a room filled with people crowded together. They're not sitting, in this example, but moving around. A single person in the room can run freely. But add more people, and movement becomes slower to nearly impossible once the room is filled to capacity. That's density. In this case the mass is demonstrated by the number of people. The volume is indicated by the size of the room.

The same is true with vibration. If we go back to the example of having lots of people crammed into a room, it's harder for them to move around. Their movement is limited, and even slower, perhaps. This represents vibration. It's movement! Greater movement means a higher vibration. Think of it as more freedom, lighter, easier, brighter, and POSSIBLE.

What limits vibration?

There are actually several factors that limit vibration of molecules. One is temperature. Colder molecules (just like cold people) move more slowly. This is why humans have a built in safety mechanism called shivering. It creates involuntary movement to raise the vibration (and possibly prevent freezing to death).

The other factor that limits vibration is density.

Highly compacted molecules (like people in a room, in our example) have limited movement. Thus they also have a lower vibration. Taking this idea to the microscopic level, dense substances in the body limit vibration by their physical inability to vibrate at a higher level, and ultimately limit your ability to heal.

Density of Heavy Metals

You've heard me say it before, and now it might be even more in your awareness, that heavy metals are not only toxic to life, but are also a higher density, so they limit vibration. 

 Dense heavy metals, like mercury, cadmium, aluminum, lead, arsenic, and tin prevail in our environment and in all life forms - yet they don't support life and living functions. They INTERFERE with life in the worst possible way.

Vital minerals, like calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, and iodine are critical to life, yet they have a weaker positive charge.

Why are heavy metals so toxic to life? They have a potent positive charge and take the place of lighter, less dense, vital minerals in chemical reactions in the body. Mercury interferes with hemoglobin's ability to carry oxygen, and destroys the myelin sheath of neurons. Lead takes the place of calcium in bones. Metals that aren't eliminated through natural processes in the body are sequestered (stored) in fat, bones, and the brain. They remain in the body and not only lower your vibration, but are transmitted to future generations. Heavy metals accumulate, and cause epigenetic changes in DNA.

Furthermore, heavy metals attract and resonate with low vibrations. Parasites, opportunistic fungal infections, bacteria and viruses thrive in the presence of lower frequencies.

Density to Light

It becomes very possible to heal with the removal of low density, low vibrations. In doing so, the body becomes more receptive to healing within. Sound healing, aromatherapy, energy healing Reiki, and other modalities maintain their vibrations and last longer without the influence of lower frequencies. You can easily move from density to light and hold those higher vibrations in order to heal. It's possible and easy to heal when the body is in harmony with internal and external vibrational frequencies.



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