February 15

Why We Use Avini Products

Avini Products Help You Care for Every Aspect of Your Immune System

  • Detoxify heavy metals

Why make healing hard, if not impossible? When heavy metals are present, they interfere with every aspect of health and healing, including the release of energy from mitochondria, the formation of healthy bones, and the ability for blood to carry oxygen. These heavy metals also create disease and disaster by damaging DNA, interfering with proper cell reproduction, stealing electrons from chemical reactions (causing free-radical damage), and creating an acidic environment in which unhealthy cells thrive. Pulling out heavy metals through oral chelation improves every single body function ā€“ liver, immune response, nerve response, and more.

  • Hydration

This is so important for every aspect of body function. From moist skin to supple joints and tendons, clear thinking, normal blood pressure, and cell production and replacement, normalizing body temperature and maintaining homeostasis. If your skin isnā€™t healthy, itā€™s not a good barrier against infection and may be slower to heal if you have a cut.

  • Safe antibiotics and protection

Medicinal antibiotics, though theyā€™ve been shown to be effective at killing germs have also proven to be dangerous and ineffective over time. Germs have become smarter and resistant. What germs are not resistant to is nano-silver, a natural germ killer that does no harm to your living cells. Safe and effective against all germs, parasites, yeast, and unwanted living interlopers in your body. Use it topically on rashes, sores, wounds, and infections. Use it internally where your natural immune system traps germs (mucous membranes in your throat, sinuses, stomach lining, etc.). Nano-silver is discerning. It doesnā€™t kill good bacteria, and only goes after the bad guys, like worms in your liver, and yeast in your blood.

  • Feed your gut flora

You need a healthy gut, not a leaky one. When you have dangerous bacteria and microorganisms living in your gut, they produce unwanted symptoms, gas, toxins, inflammation, and poor digestion. Furthermore, leaks in your gut let undigested foods into the bloodstream, triggering an immune response. Your immune system gets overwhelmed and confused and the whole process can cause autoimmune disease, or an attack on your own healthy cells. Feeding your gut flora with prebiotics of complex carbohydrates like fiber rich foods or a fiber supplement can help heal the gut and your immune response.

  • Feed your immune system

Beta-glucans from medicinal mushrooms ā€“ the exotic, non-hallucinogenic ones like Reishi and Cordyceps, are potent food for your immune system. In fact, beta-glucans are like walkie-talkies for immune cells. When some old or damaged cells forget to die, they may be damaged and mutant. These cells are likely to grow and demand their own blood supply, their own food, and set up shop for making you sick and, at the very least, uncomfortable. At the worst, of course, these cells grow and divide without concern for the host (you) and create a situation that may be more difficult to reverse. You might wonder why your immune system doesnā€™t single them out and attack them. Here itā€™s about communication. Though itā€™s more complex than I can explain, consider this. If an imaginary thief wears a cape that makes them invisible, the security system doesnā€™t see them. Itā€™s almost like these wayward cells have a cloaking device (Star Trek mention) that make them appear normal ā€“ like they blend in. Feeding your immune cells medicinal mushrooms high in beta-glucans activate the communication system so they ā€œseeā€ the bad cells for who they really are, thieves that can steal your life.

  • Feed your belief system

Positive thoughts, visualize light moving through you. Feel vibrations of sound, light, and color that enhance form and function on cellular AND etheric levels.

  • Movement

Stagnation happens in many forms, from a sedentary life to beliefs that keep you stuck in repeating patterns of defeat. Move the body, speak your words, help others get unstuck and youā€™ll also get unstuck. Your mind is powerful and ultimately presents infinite possibilities for healing.

avini health plus hydration


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