December 21

Essential Oil Recipes for Skin Care

Your skin wants to be hydrated, fed, and cared for. A combination of drinking more water and eating nourishing foods is a good idea – and a good foundation for health. But a little TLC in the form of “secret recipes” can enhance and support skin health.

There’s no need to spend lots of money on skin care. With a few simple ingredients you can make your own magical formulas that moisturize, protect, revitalize, and help diminish wrinkles and signs of aging. Just give the skin what it wants!

Moisturizing oils

Moisturizing oils are the oily extractions from seeds. They are plant oils, but not essential oils. They feel oily to the touch and serve as carriers for the essential oils listed in the next section.

Start with a base of moisturizing oil that feels nice to you. I like pure almond oil. However, you can also use Jojoba oil, avocado oil, or fractionated coconut oil as a base for your special facial skin care treatment. Avoid any commercial oils that contain synthetics, unfamiliar ingredients, preservatives (natural Vitamin E is ok), or added ingredients.

These base oils come in large bottles, so rather than using the entire bottle, pour a small amount of your base oil into an empty glass bottle – about 15 – 25 ml in size. If the bottle has a glass dropper or is fitted with a drop dispenser, that’s great! It’ll help you control the amount you need per treatment.

Essential Oils

Pure, therapeutic grade essential oils are the only ones I recommend for any use. These oils are not oily to the touch, and are uncontaminated by synthetics, perfumes, dyes, and other unwanted ingredients. See which essential oils I recommend.

Specific oils offer different properties for skin care. Select the ones you like the best and combine them to make your own special recipe. The following essential oils are a few of my favorites:

Carrot seed – This essential oil is a powerhouse of antioxidants that also has detoxifying benefits. The result of adding carrot seed essential oil to your recipe may be more youthful-looking skin. That’s a plus!

Lavender – This essential oil is a great addition to any skin care recipe. Lavender is well known for its soothing and restorative properties.

Geranium – Balancing, calming, revitalizing, and fragrant, geranium reminds us of the beautiful scent of rose. Geranium is often sought out for its benefits for circulation. Added to your skin care recipe, geranium is a great antioxidant that supports healthy skin.

Grapefruit – One of the citrus essential oils, grapefruit brings you a concentrated amount of antioxidants that help protect the skin. Note – applying or consuming any of the citrus essential oils (lemon, orange, grapefruit, etc.) before exposure to sun may increase photosensitivity, leading to sunburn. Cover your skin or reduce sun exposure if you use citrus essential oils in your mix.

Myrrh – One of the sacred oils of the Bible, myrrh has special properties that feel soothing and help promote skin elasticity. Myrrh is moisturizing and is a special ingredient for its antiaging properties.

Rose – One of the most expensive essential oils, but certainly one of the most beneficial oils for skin care, rose essential oils is effective in very small quantities. use rose essential oil for healing at every level – to calm and restore, to improve skin tone and vitality, to uplift, rejuvenate, and moisturize.


Use only glass bottles to create your magic formulas. Why? Essential oils can dissolve plastic, causing it to leach into your mix. I like to use a 15 ml glass bottle that is fitted with a drop dispenser.

Select a moisturizing oil from the list above. Fill your bottle half way with this oil. Add about 20 drops of the essential oils you like. Try a mixture of any two essential oils to start (I like Geranium and Grapefruit). Add a third oil to your mix the next time you make your blend. You really can’t mix too many essential oils together, but starting conservatively helps you know which ones you prefer next time.

Top off your bottle with more moisturizing oil, and tighten the cap. Leave this mix overnight to allow oils to blend thoroughly.

How to Use Your Skin Care Recipe

After shower or after washing your face with a gentle cleanser, drop about 5 – 6 drops of your skin care mix into the palm of your hand. Rub palms together briefly, and gently rub onto your face and neck. This skin care blend is also an excellent make-up remover. Once your skin is saturated with these few drops of your blend, use a soft tissue or cotton make-up pad to wipe away eye make-up. Use more of your blend as necessary to replace oil wiped away with make-up.

Before bed, your blend is the perfect nighttime moisturizer. In the morning, use your blend after showering. Later, apply an under make-up lotion that lasts all day. (I like Young Living Lavender lotion – but you can use an unscented lotion with your own Lavender essential oil added.)

Buying Essential Oils

I can help make buying the best essential oils easy for you. Or call me for personal assistance. I’m happy to help.



essential oils, recipes for essential oils, rose essential oil, skin care

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