July 30

Spirituality of Unconditional Source

Last week as I chose a crystal to accompany me on my meditation, I let go of any preconceived ideas about which crystal to choose and for which purpose. My only intention, honestly, was to have a friend alongĀ to be present with me while I connected to the divine. Oh, yes, sometimes I choose a specific stone with which to work. Maybe it’s one that’s newly acquired, or jumping out at me from my table of assorted crystals. However, in this case, the crystal that wanted to join me on my journey was a “singing quartz point” I received from a friend in Arizona. I was originally drawn to having such a crystal in my set of crystal friends when I first met one more than a year ago while in teacher training for advanced sound healing classes. Little did I know that bringing one into my life would have such a profound impact.

The Physical Nature of Spirit

First, let me tell you about the physical nature of thisĀ particular quartz crystal. As withĀ most quartz points, this one has six sides, and six facets which all come to a point at one end with a growth pattern of 4-5-3-3-4-5. That means that each of the pointed facets have edges that,Ā whenĀ counted may reveal something about its nature and function. It has markings on the sides indicating its use as a record keeper. There is some indication of “damage” which created a rainbow effect in one intersection of the faces. Small crystals attached to two of the sides are referred to as barnacles indicating new energy, while markings of an imprint embed the energy of a crystal that may have grown adjacent to this one. Partly clear and partly clouded, it’s the perfect balance of masculine and feminine wisdom.

Though people most often associate physical characteristics of quartz points with their energy and their meaning, I like to notice those features “second”, after I get to know the feeling of the spirit within the crystal. I often prompt my Reiki students to rely on their own senses to receive messages from any crystals we have in class. As I sat in silence and quieted my mind, I was quickly invited IN, inside the crystal, as I have often experienced when meditating with quartz. Experiencing the feeling of quartz from an inside perspective slows things down and I can see as well as feel the inner nature of the Being with whom I’m communicating. Images of molecular structure and the 3-dimensional components of chemistry and biology passed by my mind as I went deeper into the story unfolding before me. I heard the word “conditional” and instantly knew that the crystal held to my heart as well as the crystal in which I walked spoke to me about how the 3-dimensional world relied on what we understood as Laws of Science. Atoms get together, electrons move around, one molecule joins with another, and so forth, because that’s the way our earth exists for us.

Then my focus shifted to the space between the atoms and physical structures. The space became vast, uncluttered by physical construction, patterns, and “conditions”. I felt myself become instantly uplifted and unencumbered by my own physicality. I heard the word “unconditional” and knew, at least in part, the meaning of the message. The Divine Source exists in the unconditional state – in the spaces between the fabrication of our seen reality. Objects and structures exist only on the “condition” of scientific laws, the ones we understand and apply to 3-dimensional rules . . . positive attracts negative, for example. In the unconditional realm of infinite possibilities, we must give up any misconceptions about our existence.

What If?

Though science tells me that silicone dioxideĀ makes up the chemical composition of quartz, it feels to me that simplifying a spiritual being (the one dwelling in quartz on this dimensional plane) overlooks the magic we all hold inside us. We’re unconditional beings living in a conditional world. What if we approached our sense of being and purpose as “magical”, “unlimited”, and “unconditional”?

Sometimes I hear words that come across as excuses as to why a person can’t achieve their goals, have money, prosperity, love, joy, clarity, and all the things that feel beyond reach to them. Though I won’t diminish how people really feel about their circumstances or the moments that led up to their conditional conclusions, I will offer that perhaps another view exists – one already inside us, in the spaces between the physical structures of muscles, bones, cells, and electrons. Those spaces are much more vast, and more powerful than the 3-dimensional conditional “reality” outside of spirit.

Reiki Mentorship

Have you discovered your Soul’s Purpose? Do you have answers to the big questions – Who am I? Why am I here? What is my soul’s purpose? How do I manifest everything I want? In an effort to share a process that goes beyond the physical plane to the unconditional way of being, I’ve developed an online course called Reiki Mentorship. As I prepare to launch I’m inviting a few people who feel ready to go beyond limitations to discover new possibilities.

I’m accepting a limited number of applications (only 15 people) to participate in the Pre-Launch class. This is offered at a dramatically reduced price of only $249 for the first four modules, after which you have the option to continue modules 5-7 for only $99 (a total investment of only $348). After the course officially launches later, the price will be $997.

I know you’re going to love it, but just in case you have any reservations, if you’re not completely satisfied with the pre-launch course, your investment can be applied toward any private sessions or classes. Just let me know within 30 days of purchase to make the adjustment.

I can’t wait to hear from you. Many blessings,

Rosemary Levesque, Licensed Spiritual Healer

Certified Vibrational Sound Master teacher


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