August 30

If You Want to Know Your Future

If you want to know what’s in store for you – what your future holds, do you ask a psychic?

Though that may be an obvious choice for some people, it’s not my go-to choice for revealing the mysteries of life. However, it seemed important to discuss this with a caller I had the other day. She was looking for a psychic who would give her clarity on her future.

Interesting. I love that people call me for such things. It gives me the opportunity to ask them what they really want, find out more about their life so far, and share with them a little about my philosophy and magic that could offer support and guidance for their needs. And yet . . . in the course of our discussion I felt her energy move away from me. I wasn’t telling her what she wanted to hear. I didn’t say “yes”, promise a fortune-telling experience, and ask for her credit card. That’s not in her best interest, and certainly not what I do as a psychic intuitive, Licensed Spiritual Healer.

But what about the future? How could she have understood what she really wanted to know?

Here are a few things I’ve learned over my many years as an intuitive healer:

  1. You made choices before you were born that you want to experience in this life. These experiences were chosen for various reasons including spiritual growth, playing a role for another soul, activating an aspect of your soul that needs illuminating, or to resolve a recurring pattern that has yet to be resolved.
  2. You are born unaware of these choices and the previous life’s information, traumas, pain, etc. This is the veil that shields you from TMI (too much information).
  3. Your Higher Self, the etheric part of you that manifests as a physical being in this 3rd dimension, offers wisdom through your dreams, meditative experiences, coincidences, “chance” meetings, omens, animal guides, and more.
  4. If you don’t “pay attention” to the guidance offered by your Higher Self, you’ll continue to be given opportunities, sometimes with harsh measures, if necessary. These harsher measures can take the form of uncomfortable experiences, injury, disease, etc.
  5. Following your guidance is easier than you think.

How to Know Your Future

Energy constantly changes. Our circumstances change as our choices change. Choices determine, to a great extent, the future. That may seem obvious, but let me elaborate. As you move along your life’s path, accepting jobs, moving from one location to another, developing friendships and relationships, etc., tap into your emotions around each situation and relationship. Does something feel off? Is there disenchantment with the beau? Do circumstances keep happening to mess up your day? If so, you’re probably – like your car – out of alignment. If you’re in alignment with your soul’s purpose and your future manifestation, you’ll feel good. You’ll know it. So, what’s the problem? This sounds like it would be easy to fix, and it would be except for one thing. You’re stuck in your head, trying to think things through.

Get Out of Your Head

We’re an ego-based culture rewarded for our ability to think and solve problems. Unfortunately, what we learned in school doesn’t teach us to tap into our intuitive skills. Developing your intuition is really the best way to know your future. You don’t really need a psychic to tell you that. However, learning these skills now – the innate skills you’ve forgotten – serve you well for your future.

Work with Me One-on-One

You’re intuitive, empathic, and wishing to move forward on your path. Have you considered talking to a Spiritual Healer? One of the biggest obstacles people face is that they feel like they’re alone. Nobody “gets” them. The people you know as family and friends don’t understand what you’re going through. Let me hear you say what you really want to express. Work with me in a coaching/mentorship opportunity. Discover Your Path.

I’d like to offer you a gift, a free ebook introduction to my online course. Just fill in the form on my website and receive my book. If you’re inspired – if you recognize the opportunity as your Higher Self tapping you on the shoulder – then give me a call.

 Download your


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