October 4

Recipe for Self Care

Who loves recipes? Especially now, when alternative care can be a DIY (do it yourself) activity, recipes for self care help keep you going.

Here are a few basics to get you started:

Recipe for Morning Self Care

  • 3Ā Deep Breaths Ā ~ add your favorite essential oil for grounding, like vetiver or frankincense.
  • 1 Tall Glass of Water ~ be sure to hydrate with filtered water. Add your favorite citrus essential oil, like lemon or orange directly to your glass, then pour in the water. Ahhh!
  • Gently stretch your arms and legs, wiggle your toes, and tilt your head to bring oxygen into sleepy muscles. Try massaging a soothing essential oil marjoram or basil to soothe tired muscles, or wintergreen or yellow birch to relieve any discomforts and allow a deeper stretch.

Recipe for Afternoon Self Care

  • Avoid the mid-afternoon munchies and help curb your appetite with essential oils like ocotea from the cinnamon family, known to help with blood sugar ratios and grapefruit, a natural appetite suppressant.
  • Take a few minutes to step outside every hour. Not only does fresh air revitalize your energy, but it helps to bring more joy to your routine.
  • Feeling overwhelmed by stress? It’s important to actively detoxify your physical body as well as your environment. Try our liquid zeoliteĀ to remove heavy metals. Diffuse Stress Away essential oil blend to bring on a sense of calm.

Recipe for Evening Self Care

  • Choose foods that are nourishing without the added bulk of empty calories. Try green vegetables seasoned with any of these essential oils, like black pepper, oregano, or jade lemon.
  • Soak your feet in epsom salts to improve circulation and relaxation. Try mixingĀ lavenderĀ essential oil to the salts before adding water. Then use lavender essential oil directly on your feet before bed for a restful sleep.
  • Make sure your room is dark, without added electronics nearby casting a glow. You need your dark sleep to replenish serotonin for energy the next day.


essential oil recipes for health, zeolite

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