April 26


During a recent Reiki class here at my healing center in Portland, we prepared for the weekend as we always do – setting an intention for self and others – then drawing a card from a well-loved deck of oracle cards. One card that came up was called Purification, and the messages it brought seemed to ring true for not only the student who chose it, but for everyone throughout the weekend. Why might that happen? Is there some significance about purification that matters enough to keep “speaking” to us over the course of two days?

Purification is defined as the removal of something (a toxin, an element, an entity, for example) from a person’s physical body, the environment, or from any substance to contain compounds or constituents that are not a part of the WHOLE. Spiritually speaking, purification may involveĀ releasing more than removing. The difference comes from self-instituted intentions for empowerment. What needs cleansing?


Just as with healing, the first part of cleansing always begins with SELF. What would you cleanse for yourself? We care for the physical body with daily washing – showering, hand washing, etc. – on the outside. However, cleansing on the inside is of utmost importance. Consider foods, choosing raw and unprocessed as much as possible over processed. Consider personal care products, choosing clean and natural over synthetic ones filled with chemical additives. Consider filtered water over tap or bottled water. Consider antioxidants and natural supplements (minerals, herbs, zeolite) over sugars and hydrogenated fats.


Your personal space should be considered next in the purification process. What have you accumulated as “stuff” over the years that no longer serve you? What’s in your space that really isn’t yours? Do you have a process in place that ensures optimal support for your clean, pure self? Consider the chemicals you choose for cleaning in your home. Are they natural essential oils or synthetic chemicals and toxic poisons? Are you using plastic containers, a microwave oven, non-stick cookware with PFOAs? Having a clean, toxin-free environment is part of the purification process. However, also consider sound, light, and people as part of the environment. How can you improve and purify in these areas?


As a part of Reiki training, I offers several methods of purification to assist in holding the energy for safe and sacred space, and to help clear unwanted energies from the etheric field as well as from our sacred spaces. Intention is a powerful tool to use for purification. Formulate how you would intend for your space to be clear of unwanted energies. Design a statement that represents what you really want. If this seems daunting, confusing, or overwhelming, start with a simple awareness of how you feel in any particular space or situation. Notice how you’d prefer to feel and go with words that support that feeling. For example, you might use words like, “I feel safe.”

Purification Tools

I’ve made a short list here of tools you can use for cleansing. Remember that these tools are intended more for empowerment as you go through the process of purification. They help you release, letting go of energies that no longer support your purity, wholeness, and manifestation of the highest expression of yourself.

Essential Oils

Plant medicine may be the easiest to use and the easiest to obtain. Use plants in their “original” form as leaves, roots, stems, and flowers. However, using pure therapeutic grade essential oils from Young Living may be even more potent (and more valuable) for your needs. Whether in meditation, ceremony, or cleansing your environment, these essential oils work magically to bring about a feeling of wholeness and purity. Here are a few I like for sacred ceremony and purification. Use them in a diffuser, spritzer, or apply a drop directly to hands, gently rub in and inhale.

  • Palo santo essential oil
  • Sage essential oil
  • Cedarwood essential oil

Sound Vibrations

Sound frequencies, whether using your own voice (as in chanting, singing, or toning) or selecting an instrument of sound such as a tuning fork or drum, provide many benefits for purification. Try, for example, a higher frequency of 4096 Hz to call in the angelic realm, or the frequency of OM to feel more grounded and connected to earth energy.

  • Angel – 4096 Hz
  • OM – 136.1 Hz
  • Solfeggio 528 – Magic and Transformation
  • Chanting, toning
  • Drum
  • Rattle

Let me know if you have any questions. I’d love to hear from you. Contact Rosemary.


cleansing energy, detox, purification, sacred space

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