September 4

How Sudoku Can Change Your Mind

Looking For Resonant Frequencies in Conversations

I like sudoku. It exercises my deductive reasoning. The puzzles are fun - and when I get into these short games, I sometimes have revelations. This one's a big one for me. Maybe for you, too!

Do you see in the image above how I have some numbers circled? That's because I made a mistake the first time around, and I have a compelling desire to FIX things. I like to find where I went wrong, and discover my mistake. It's a do-over for me in this simple game of numbers and alignment.

Then something really profound happened to me today!

  • It wasn't impatience.
  • It wasn't giving up.
  • It wasn't knowing that I'm smarter than a puzzle.

I crossed it out and LET IT GO. I decided that trying to fix it was a waste of my time. Why was that a revelation for me? How can it help you?

Let's take a closer look at how sudoku changed my mind.

Maybe it's coming from my days as a teacher . . . correcting papers with a red pen. To everyone who has emotional scars from a red āŒ, please let me represent all teachers everywhere with a huge apology and a hug. 

Making corrections created a mental groove for me. It meant that I was "right" and they were "wrong". Oooo, I can still feel the sting of being on the other end of the correction. Of course, it's not a correction, is it? It's just an observation.

I've grown a lot since then, but the grooves are still there. I learned that I like feeling "right" and, in so doing, I also like everything to be perfect and fix-able. The situation, however, is that some things aren't fix-able, and some things aren't even worth fixing. You just have to āŒ them out as something that doesn't match your frequency.

I noticed this in my healing business, too. If people align to natural healing, our frequencies match. But, it's more than that! There are actually several steps involved in matching frequencies.

  1. They use the same language as you. This is a good indicator that frequencies could match. There's an accepted understanding about natural healing - that there are a few things going on in the world that have gone out-of-control, like toxicity, Big Pharma, and processed foods. If a person in conversation with you starts talking about how their doctor will fix them, you're not resonant. LET IT GO.
  2. They're searching for new ways and natural products. This is a great sign of alignment. It means two things: First, that they know what they're doing is good, but not enough. Second, they believe in their power to heal, and are looking for someone or something that can help them. If they think they have ONE answer, and THAT'S IT, LET THEM GO. There's so much more!
  3. They love helping people and sharing natural ways. In fact, outreach and integration are key indicators of alignment. It means that they're excited about finding amazing solutions that work and see this as an answer to their prayers. They envision themselves as healthy, vibrant, and whole. They can't wait to tell others and offer hope. If there's an element of distrust, scepticism, lack of self-worth, or a feeling of POWER OVER YOU, LET THEM GO. You're looking for people who resonate with your vibe. 

āŒing out names, contacts, conversations, and people who don't align to my beliefs, frequencies, and ways-of-BEing is getting easier. Sudoku taught me to not waste my time on OLD MENTAL GROOVES. There's no right or wrong. There's just a match, or not a match.

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Avini, frequency vibration, healing business, mental success, resonance

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