
Detoxolite™ Cell Defender by Avini Health

How do clinoptilolite crystals work so well to clean the environment? How can we utilize that specific gift of Nature personally to remove heavy metals and other toxins from the blood and organs? You can't just crush a rock, mix it with water and call it good enough. That's why our biochemist, Rik Deitsch, has perfected a more-than-30-step process to clean, micronize, and activate Nature's gift. It's so special that, even though people have tried to copy it, they can't even come close to the precision and effectiveness of this detoxification perfection of Nature's gift - Detoxolite™, only from Avini Health.

Detoxification Never Felt So Good

detoxolite clinoptilolite cell defender zeolite

What would you feel like if you could get rid of your Body Burden of heavy metals and other toxins? Detoxolite™ is so effective that every drop helps. The first few drops take care of toxins you've encountered today. The next few drops take capture toxins you've accumulated from a few yesterdays.

Keep going. Our world is filled with unseen dangers that hurt healthy tissues. When healthy cells forget who they are, you begin to feel their pain in so many ways. They can become inflamed, grow out of control, degenerate, and break. Detoxolite™ is made to get into the smallest of spaces to deep clean your body. Use it every day, like I do. I began in 2006. How healthy would you like to be?

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(503) 747-3307

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