November 27

The Spiritual Shaman

Today I attended a religious service – a funeral – for an old acquaintance. She was the wife of the man who designed and built our house. I remember working with her as our house came together. She helped me choose colors, tiles, and bring our home to life with personality. I saw her as an artist, so I chose bright colors to wear in her honor.

The mass gathered at our old church down the street from us. Aside from changing a few words in the formulated responses easily pulled from my memory, the service was the same as many I’ve attended in the past. Yes, it’s been many years since I’ve chosen to attend formal Catholic services. However, I see myself to be even more spiritual as a Reiki Master and shaman than ever before.

The opening song, On Eagle’s Wings, provided the refrain for how I feel as a deeply spiritual being.Ā The melody came easily to me, remembering more of the song verse-by-verse. Yet tears formed in my eyes, catching the words in my throat. Why? Was I emotional from the grief for her family?

“And He will raise you up on eagle’s wings,
Bear you on the breath of dawn,
Make you to shine like the sun,
And hold you in the palm of His Hand.” by Josh Groban

Upon reflecting further on these words that touched my heart and soul, I saw a connection that had been missing in my view of religious practice.Ā What I knew in my head, but had briefly forgotten, is the fact that rites have deep shamanic roots. We draw upon nature and the connection to animals, celestial bodies, the directions, and the forces of the unseen for spiritual nourishment.

Raise You Up on Eagle’s Wings

In my shamanic practices, I frequently call upon brother eagle (in my case, Golden Eagle) to work with me for healing, supporting the transition of soul fragments my clients may present during a session. Brother eagle appears (in my inner vision), larger than anyone can imagine, able to easily carry the burdens and wounds held in darkness. The first time Golden Eagle appeared to me during a healing session I was surprised – and yet not surprised at all. The size amazed me. Unlike the physical body eagle maintains on earth, Spirit eagle has no limitations from any of our perceptions, including size or the ability to assist in healing. Eagle is one of Spirit’s (God’s) many forms to which I can relate. Its strength, keen “seeing”, and great ancient wisdom radiate the light of Spirit, penetrating into infinity as eagle carries away all that anyone is willing to release and heal.

Breath of Dawn

Are there any words more beautiful than those? Dawn’s beginning in the east signifies new life – one free of the burdens of a physical body. Breath is life. We inhale upon physical birth, and exhale upon death or the release ofĀ the soul from the physical limitations of the body. With each breath we honor Spirit within. Conscious breathing – inhaling and exhaling – provides the intention of connecting to God on an infinite level. Imagine the infinity symbol. Effortlessly moving in a figure-eight pattern, infinite breath enters and leaves, mingling with the essence of humanity. The breath of dawn is the Creator that manifests in all life – coming and going, so to speak. Though humans may physically stop inhaling and exhaling, the breath of dawn is constant. It’s my privilege to connect with and honor the breath of dawn each day as a ritual in my practice.

Shine Like the Sun

The truth is that we all shine like the sun in our original, spiritual form.Ā TheĀ spiritual light (like the sun) radiatesĀ original medicine – the expression of whoĀ we are, ourĀ gifts and talents, as well as the chosen path in life. What keepsĀ people from expressing that light is that, for many people, they’ve forgotten who they are. The traumas and burdens of the physical world penetrate deeply into the known senses – hearing, tasting, smelling, touching, and seeing what seems real in the moment. These perceptions feel so real that they mask the more innate perceptions of the intuitive senses with which we are all born. These intuitive senses connect humans to God effortlessly. For some, it’s through dreams or day-dreaming. For others, it feels more like a sense of “knowing” or a gut-feeling. These senses are the manifestation of remembering that we are like the sun, filled with radiant light. I consider shining like the sun a journey of remembering, and an honor to be a lighthouse (“Lightworker”) for others.

Held in the Palm of His Hand

Sacred Space, the healing, nurturing environment created through the work of hands and intentions, offers the ultimate experience for healing. So often people think of death as an ending to life. However, in my years of practice, I’ve discovered that the experiences we have in this lifetime are the illusion away from Source, away from the Palm of His Hand, and away from the Sacred Space of healing wisdom. In Reiki healingĀ classes, palms become activated with intention, and a laying-on-of-hands ensues. Powerful healing energies that come from the Universe (Source, God, Spirit, etc.) flow through the crown, the heart, and out the palms. In our infancy as spiritual practitioners, we imitate using the Palms of God’s Hands. It’s the greatest complement to God to be more spiritual, for our spirituality increases not only in us, but also in God. As a Reiki Master and practicing, modern, universal shaman, I continuously hold the energy and intention of healing.

The Spiritual Shaman

Awakening is the opportunity to become fully aware of original medicine, accessing the desire to connect to a higher vibration or way of being in the world. Awakening means that the illusion fades as the veil that separates us from Source becomes thinner. The shamans and Lightworkers of the world assist humanity in remembering, connecting humans once again to humanity through healing, going into the darkness, and coming into the light once again. We access the power of All That Is in effortless Grace from the breath of the Divine, the Light of the Sun, and the healing wisdom of the many who’ve come before us.

The power of remembering becomes possible when eagle’s wings carry away the burdens and traumas weighing heavily on the soul. Though grief’s process requires that we remember our pain before we can heal, the breath of dawn reminds us that we are whole, vibrant beings of love and light already.

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Many blessings,



death and spirituality, Shamanism, spiritual shaman

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