When working with animal guides and teachers, we can summon the assistance of cards, images, sounds and artifacts related to animals. In my healing center, I invoke specific animals guides with crystal or wooden likenesses that serve as reminders of the qualities of each animal represented. For example, in the north corner of my space I have a wooden carving of an elephant. This elephant guide reminds of heavy structure, strength, connection to earth energies, and commitment to family. It feels very solid and affirming. Similarly, I also have actual representations of specific animals – feathers, fur or skin, fossils, and shells. These I either use directly in healing sessions, or place in their respectiveĀ areas of the room.
Cards and images may also be used when working with animal guides and teachers. I especially like the decks and images from Susan Seddon Boulet who painted images for her Animal Spirits deck.
Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals by Jamie Sams is a combination book and deck of cards through which you can do readings, card layouts, or selecting a single card for inspiration and guidance.
Animal Speak by Ted Andrews is another wonderful resource. Ted Andrews also has an inspirational card deck for working with animal guides.
No matter what your choice, begin your exploration in any way you are drawn. Animals, because they are grounded and of pure love & light are safe guides for anyone, from novice to advanced readers and healers. Let me know what you’ve chosen. I’d love to hear from you.